Materials May and Mandalas!

Mandala, Mandala!

I was looking for the inspration for our final month of Art. I did not start this year with a curriculum for all nine months, although probably, that would have been the recommended and adult course of action. Instead, I spent all these months just getting a theme for September, October, November…

Then came May and I needed something different, something interesting and something that starts with the letter M, just like this month.

Sunflower Mandala

The artists

This was an important part of the lesson to give the kids a chance to understand what a mandala is and many different techniques there are to create it. I focused on the simplest and the most basic and straighforward meaning of a mandala representing the Earth.

We looked at three different artists who are famous for their mandalas and the materials they used because I also wanted to have a representation of a variety of tools. That is why we looked at Jamie Locke who carves her mandalas, Damien Hirst who composes his out of butterflies (I still cannot get over the fact that these are real butterflies) and Stephen Meakin who painted his.

Rabbit ‘Mandala’

The language

Only after we looked at the artists, did we go through the language for the day, namely all of the materials to be used in class and, as usual, we used the wordwall cards. The cards and the vocabulary have been consistent with what I found at home and in my local supermarket and consistent with all the materials that I wanted to use. That is why have here beautifully green mungo beans and orange lentils.

I am aware of the fact that these are not the most commonly used words, especially by beginners but I did not want to extend the langauge slot because making a mandala takes time and we have only 45 minutes at our disposal.

Goose Mandala

The art

Mandalas are beyond beautiful and, esentially, very easy to make, albeit time-consuming. As regards materials, you only need a lot of PVA kids glue (I tried to use the regular glue stick but it is not that effective), cardboard (as the regular paper will not be able to keep up with the large amount of glue) and the seeds of your choice.

Cat Mandala

As usual, we prepared the working stations on kids’ separate desks and all of the materials were placed in boxes and in bags on the table at the front of the classroom. I also had a few separated containters (deep lids from plastic boxes). The students were told to come up, choose their material, one at a time, and either take the chosen box to their table or to take some of the material into a separate lid to move them around the room. We put on our aprons and I gave our small paintbrushes in order to move the pieces around to avoid touching the glue, as much as possible. I also gave a long, serious and boring speech in both languages about not eating anything on the table. ‘This is not food, these are materials right now. We don’t eat the materials’ could be the summary.

One missing pasta piece Mandala

The actual making of the mandala is super easy and, apart from showing the children the one I made at home, I also started another one in the classroom. There are three easy steps: attaching the paper to the table with painter’s scotch, squeezing out a large blob of glue and smearing it in a circle and starting the mandala from the centre, going out and around. If necessary, another layer of glue might be added as it dries out and another layer might be added at the end of the of the process, especially for the big bits, such as the pasta pieces. The PVA glue dries beautifully and it becomes transparent, without destroying the picture.

We left ours to dry on the window sill and on the following day, I put them up in the polly pockets and kids took them home.

Why we loved it?

  • Just like the tiny pictures, this activity does wonders for developing focus and concentration. Everyone stayed focused, everyone stayed silent and they were just working beautifully.
  • It is also a lovely task to develop cooperation skills because even though we had a selection of materials and boxes, the kids still had to wait, to share, to negotiate and I am very happy to say it went well.
  • The task involves a lot of self-control as, despite the fact that all of these were hard, raw and not very tasty grains, some of my students were still asking for the permission to eat them, just to try. One of the boys even left the room because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist but then he came back and worked well, only talking about eating our materials. I am trying to say that I was happy that I waited with such a task until the end of the year, when we had already our routines and rules developed and in place. I would not recommend doing it in September or until the group is ready for it.
  • The kids loved the work, too and, as you can see in the photos, the majority of them went for a traditional mandala, some decided to create chaos which is also beautifully represented in the world. Some of my Super Artistic Stars went for their signature items such as the rabbit and the goose or the cat which Alex, laboriously, constructed out of the buckwheat pieces. We had a few flowers, too.
  • This was one of the rare cases when I did not plan on displaying the art on the wall and all kids took their pieces home. I was worried that on the wall, unsupervised, the pieces might be picked up by some of the students and consumed. I really didn’t want to risk that and we do not have closed cases in our school in which the mandalas could be safely displayed. Plus, of course, everyone wanted to take their creations home, as soon as possible.
  • I was thinking of the ESL / EFL classes in which this kind of craft could be used and here are some of the ideas (although I feel obliged to mention that I have not used them in class myself, not in that format): a lesson on the natural world, a space lesson craft, with everyone creating their own planet, a lesson on big numbers in which we could count all the pieces used and, in a Science lesson – on grains and seeds.
The realistic representation of the world in a mandala

P.S. A request!

It is very simple.

I would like to know a tiny little bit more about my readers. There are so many of you, popping in here, again and again, and the numbers of visitors and visits are going up and make my heart sweel with joy. But I realised I don’t know anything about my readers and I would love to know, a tiny little bit more.

Hence the survey.

Guess what happened at work? Or the things that YL teachers live for.

A suggestion from a student that we should add a ‘Danny Go!’ song to our lesson, written by my student, in his first year of learning English.

Time to admit it, we are a strange breed!

First of all, our work stories are not really glamorous. There are no celebrities in them, no events that make the news, no interesting places and no brand names. Speaking from experience here, in comparison with the copywriters, marketing experts, nurses and doctors, engineers and accountants in my life who also come back home and share theirs. What teachers bring from school are the tales of behaviour issues, funny quotes, developmental stories, getting things right and getting things wrong.

And then even as teachers…a while ago, I met a friend whom I hadn’t seen for a while and we were catching up on life and work and all things related. I shared my adventures and my recent and relatively short-lived (thank heavens) period of revisiting adult EFL. My friend was at the same time in awe and taken aback. ‘In awe’ happened because this year added a nice few pretty-looking lines to my resume as the weight that would come with the names of international banks and IT companies or with the noble and serious sectors of the high levels, Business or Financial English. ‘Taken aback’ came about as a result of my attitude, a tired ‘Yeah, whatever’ that turned into bored or openly dismissive as the conversation went on. Apparently, I should have been very excited and proud.

It is not that I did not enjoy these lessons or that I did not do a good job or that I was not grateful for the enthusiasm with which my students came to class. I did and very much so (you can read it about here) but that was nothing special, just the everyday.

Take baking, for example. If you bake and if you have been baking for some time, a batch of cookies or a batch of brownie is not a holiday, it is a must. It doesn’t mean that you will eat delicious cookies every single time, things go wrong, of course, but more often than not, if you take out your flour, soda, sugar and chocolate out, you can expect that at the end of the road, there will be good cookies. You have this experience, nothing to celebrate and nothing to write home about.

Same with teaching. After all these years, putting together a good lesson for an exam class or for a C1 group is kind of a must, not a special event. And yes, the respectable clients add a layer of fine veneer to the whole experience or, if we are to go on with the baking metaphor, a layer of icing but that’s it. And, really, students are just students and everyone deserves a good lesson, a top-notch businessman, an bank CEO or a five-year old boy.

That is why there is no special pride or excitement. It is a job well done. Still, it is only a job.

Teaching kids is not only a job.

It is also a job but it is not only that. It cannot be only a job when you are not only teaching your subject, whatever it is, but you are also taking part in bringing up the little human and helping them to understand the world, to learn how to function in it and how to interact with the rest of it that is not you. It cannot be ‘only a job’ when you are surrounded by the stories of these lives, the joys and the dramas and when whatever you are planning to do in class might be affected by everything that happened out of the lesson time and that simply because the little people cannot yet disassociate. It is not only a job when you get to sing and jump to the songs or to get your own hands dirty practising for the art classes.

The things that make me gasp, the things that make me get excited.

  • My kids doing a pair-work activity: it can be a very simple activity, just a ‘guess my flashcard’ game that involves nothing but reciting all the words from the set, until you get the right now. All the exciting elements, like asking a full question, taking notes of the answers or repeating the activity with a new partner, they come later. But to see them work on their own, keeping the conversation going and moving from point A to point B of the activity, this is precious. Introducing it is a process, it does not just happen, it does not happen overnight and introducing it takes time, a few lessons, weeks or months, depending on the child’s age. But it is possible and it is beautiful. When it finally happens, it is yours and can be used forever and ever. Here you can find a post about my experiment and a controlled and conscious way of introducing pairwork with my pre-school group. A successful one, too!
  • My kids creating their own songs and producing the language because of a song: I realised (and not such a long time ago) that I introduce some songs only because they contain a pretty chunk of the language, hoping that soon (or even sooner), these structures will become a part of what we can say. A good example here can be ‘What’s your favourite colour?’ by Super Simple Song. It is my favourite colour song, not because it is the easiest (that would be just ‘I can sing a rainbow‘, because that is, mostly, just a list of the words, ideal for a beginner group) but because it includes a very good question ‘What’s your favourite?’ and a very good answer ‘I like’ which, when mastered, can be used with any topic. I love singing and my kids love singing (not everyone loves the same songs, of course) and I say that right now, six months into the course, singing and creating our songs based on what we have sung already is one of our favourite activities. Right now, we have a habit of creating a song for the month and many version of it and we also love creating our own versions of all the other songs we sing. Here you can find a post from four years ago about un-singing the song. We still do it!
  • My kids beginning to do their task truly independently: What I mean by that is the shift and the huge stepping stone from doing a task, in the coursebook, workbook or any handout, step by step, led by the teacher, not copying the teacher’s answers but taking the exercise or the task in small bites, moving on together as a group of individuals, waiting for everyone to a situation when the teacher sets the task and everyone does it at their own pace and in their own way, choosing for example parts of the exercise that they deal with. It is always a big day for me and it is a sign that kids are becoming more independent learners. The expert is right next to them but they don’t need the support that much. Why? Because their zone of proximal development has expanded a little bit! Hooray!
  • My kids making decisions: I cannot tell you how many times, in this academic year, I have used the phrase: ‘It is your decision’ in response to anything that my students did, said or asked, as regards their English, Maths or Art lessons or any actions in class or during the breaks. I actually started to wonder if they know the phrase or if they can produce it as I always use English and Russian when we talk about it…It is necessary to include opportunities to make decisions but it is also necessary to develop the awareness of the fact that some things belong in the category ‘we do it, I cannot opt out’, such as tests. It is an interesting process and I am getting a lot of joy out of it. And pride.
  • My kids improving their literacy skills: The literacy skills and their development are probably the greatest challenge of the first year of English in primary but at the same time, they are the source of the greatest joy, passion, hype, reward and happiness. Firstly, because it is a long-term process and you can enjoy bits and pieces of it throughout the entire year, every single lesson and in many different variations: blending and segmenting, writing your own name in English, checking out our alphabet poster for reference, shared reading, looking at the materials and reading things themselves, just before they saw them, not because we were actually doing it, applying the phonemic awareness that they already have, choosing to write anything in English, especially when not induced by the lesson and the teacher and so on and so forth…Or, because they are able to, they proceed with the task independently (see point 3).

The life outside of the classroom

You can easily imagine that all these stories would not be enjoyed as much by anyone who is not a teacher. I am visualising me coming back home, meeting friends or getting in touch with my brother and sharing the story from this week:

Guess what happened today in class? Sasha wanted us to sing ‘Danny Go!’ in class and he asked to add it to the lesson plan. And he wrote it himself, almost 100% correctly! Look at the photo! (see: above). He only started to learn English with us in September! And now he writes all two words and I only help him letters, he writes them from memory!’

I think it is fair to say that the response would be, most likely, a polite smile or a nod, or, if the people are used to these kind of stories, maybe even a funny meme. Only a fellow YL teacher would appreciate it more. Or the readers on the blog, perhaps. It is all good. These are the stories that I bring from work.

What about you? What are the things that make you happy in the classroom? Please share in the comments!

Yves Klein and we don’t want one colour!

The language

Bearing in mind the artist and his approach to painting, I decided to choose the body as the focus for this lesson (and probably for the few lessons to come, too, although this still needs to be confirmed). For that reason, we have introduced and revised the body parts using the wordwall cards and then we played one of my favourite movement games: Shake your nose! It can be played with a dice and a list of six verbs or with an online spinner. The teacher needs to introduce and demonstrate the verbs. Afterwards, they spin the wheel, read the verb and choose the body part to perform the action. Naturally, the kids take over as soon as they are ready and ask the whole class to perform the silly actions: shake your nose, clap your feet, move your mouth and what not. Of course, everyone’s favourite is ‘freeze’:-)


The artist

I have found Yves Klein only recently, while looking for something else entirely, and when I did, I was surprised, taken aback and mesmerized, all at the same time. Mesmerized – because he is just amazing, surprised – because I had never heard of him and taken aback – because Yves could be (or could have been) the inspiration for one of my favourite sci-fi characters from Alistair Reynolds’ Zima Blue. And I did NOT know that…

Anyway, Yves was introduced with this one photograph because it encapsulate everything we need to know about him, his favourite method and his favourite colour, all at once. We looked at a few examples of what Yves Klein created and we also talked about anthropometry but, because of the age of my students, we limited that to ‘painting with different body parts’ and ‘painting with things’. We did not look at any of the performances. That was enough to spark an interest and they kept asking questions, trying to imagine what the process would look like.

The kids got really interested in the blue rectangle and started to compare it with Malevich’s black square (I taught them well). Sasha, who wildly fights the idea of copying (which I am trying to convince her to think of as ‘inspiration’) asked: ‘Who was first, this Klein or Malevich?’. ‘Malevich’, I said. She rolled her eyes and commented ‘Plagiarism!’…

The art

Initially, the task looked very simple: try to become Yves, for one lesson and to prepare a monochrome picture, using only hands and fingers but all that started to change in the classroom, because I decided to read the room and adjust.

The classroom set-up needed a small adjustment in order to faciliate work. Our tables stand in one big U, with a lot of room in the centre. I brought an IKEA kids table, covered it with paper and decided that that would be our pallete, with four sections for the colours and for more room for mixing the colours. The kids were told to move withing the U, going from the round table to their work stations. This worked very well. We could use one set of paints, everyone was on the move and since the table was in the centre, the kids pretty much avoided bumping into each other and invading each other’s space. We had tissues on the ready but they were also allowed to go out to the nearby bathroom to wash the hands when necessary. We used the aprons to protect the clothes.

‘Different colours’

The younger kids were working only with their hands because it was only later that I bought a set of kiddies sponge rollers and stamps. I brought them to my Wednesday lesson, for the older students and these had a much wider scope of an opportunity to become Yves for a day, who also used a variety of rollers in his work.

One thing that I did not take into consideration (silly teacher!) was the fact that a new material in the classroom will have its own implications. First of all, my students really got excited about trying out what can be done with finger paints and with rollers and stamps. It is perfectly natural, you get a new toy, you want to play with it and see what it can do. Showing a new tool and setting boundaries in the way it is used is just unreasonable! That’s what I learnt last week.


The other, related, thing is that I found sets of finger paints of only four colours, they had amazing shades. Blue was the most beautiful baby blue, green was more emerald than just simple green and the red one was something between ruby and light brick and they all looked very tempting. When I took the colours, a few students asked the same question, both in the younger and the older group: ‘Do we have to use only one colour?’ and they were so sad about it, that I really did not have the guts in me to go monochrome. I said that monochrome was recommended but that they could use whatever they wanted. The funny thing is that the kids did like the shade of the Klein’s blue and the whole approach to painting but, when it came to their own creations, they still wanted to be able to use all of them.

The lesson was a success (unless you want to consider the abandoning of the monochrome as a distaster, which I don’t). The kids got really involved into their interaction with the new tool and the new technique and it was great to see how they were experimenting and making their decisions as regards the task interpretation.

‘Without a title’

In the younger group, the students decided to ‘simply’ paint using fingers and hands, some used prints trying to compose a painting out of them. Many of my kids focused on experimenting with mixing the colours and interpreting the outcomes. The older students were more decisive regarding the topic of their paintings, once again depicting their favourite theme, a goose, a rabbit and a fox, in a new way. In both groups, many students created more than one picture because once we started, the ideas came flowing (here you will find another post, when we played with the younger group with all the stamps).

I used the finger paints but in a more limited capacity, only to write letters or to use dots, this was the first, fully-fledged lesson and I have to say – I loved the material. Not only does it wash easily, it is is very liquidy and flowing so it can be used in many ways. It is also perfect for printing as it dries very quickly and it can be combined with drawings or stickers and collage within the same lesson. Lots of potential there and we will definitely be coming back.


There is a little post scriptum to this post here! Don’t forget to check it out!

Monochrome March: White on black! Teaching English through Art

I have been carrying this idea with me and in me for a very long time. I am a huge fan of black and white and I knew it would be something that I would love to do. I was just waiting for the appropriate time. Our February was dedicated to Fruit and that is partly why, on approaching the month of March, I thought that, yes, following the good principles of alliteration, we are going to have a Monochrome March.

I am developing as an Art teacher, too (well, hopefully) so for the past three months, I have been doing my montly lesson planning, choosing the artists and materials/ techniques to cover. The teacher trainer in me is happy, nodding with approval. That works. Our monochrome series will have four episodes. This one is actually the second one.

The language

As regards the language, I decided that in the month of March, we are not going to focus on any specific vocabulary topic, but, instead, we are going to develop different ways of expressing opinion. With the younger group, that meant learning and practising the set of basic adjectives to express opinion (It’s a good / very good / bad / very bad / crazy / interesting / boring / fantastic / terrible) idea. I have chosen these particular ones to echo the phrases we used with my year 1 kids in our English lessons. I am hoping that they will benefit from that additional practice opportunity and that my pre-schoolers in the Art group will pick up on some of them. These are also the phrases that we will be able to use during other lessons, of course.

The artists

Yes! This week we were visited by a whole big group of artists including Malevich, Goncharova, Picasso, Georgia O’Keeffe and Victor Vassarely or, in other words, some of those who created some paintings in black and white, some of whom we already met before.

This stage was pretty straightforward – we looked at the paintings and shared our opinions. This stage was also relatively short because I wanted to save enough time for the creative part.

The art

This was the most important part of the lesson since we were to interact and to create with a new resource and a new technique.

First of all, I showed the students the resources: black paper for sketching, white pencils, chalk markers and blending stump pencils. I also demonstrated how to use them.

Afterwards, we did something for the first time in our class – I gave out the drawing materials and a small piece of the paper and I asked the kids just to play with them, to see how they work, how they draw, how much pressure you need to apply, how easily it smuges and so on, just to get the feel of the new tool.

Only then did I announce the topic of the drawing and that was: Draw what you want! My students were a little bit surprised and a little bit overwhelmed by that approach so that was something interesting to see and, definitely, something to reflect on. After a while, however, they took to work. I showed them what I created, a heart on the background of different patterns, and I explained that this was my choice just because I wanted to play with the tool and to experiment with how it works. I also demonstrated a slide with some patterns that they might use but I highlighted that they could really do whatever they wanted.

And what did they want? My older students chose to draw their favourite things so we got the white-on-black eddition of the rabbit, the goose, the cats, the still life and they were more creative with the experiments and trying out different options that the chalk pencils and markers offered. They were very excited with the shading options and the glow they managed to create. They chatted (in English) about the outcomes. Some of the pieces were not finished but, I suppose, it is something to take into consideration and to accept, especially with all the new techniques.

My younger were also creative but their creativity went in the direction of creating plot and background for their pictures. Many of them drew a bunch of monochromatic figures, which can be traced to a heart and I am still wondering if they were inspired by the heart that I brought. What is even more important is that they told me of everything that their pictures stood for and these were real stories! Yes, they were told in kids’ L1 as there is not enough language yet but they were such rich plots! Just look at the cowboys attacking the city or the hearts arriving to defend another group of heroes!

Many of the students created more than just one picture and it was lovely to see how their imagination was taking off, with every next picture bouncing ideas off the previous one. I really did think I would run out of paper!

All in all, I am very happy with the lesson. The new resource and the new technique worked well and we will definitely go back to it one day. The experimentation stage worked well and it helped us understand the basics of the resource. It was also interesting to see that the size of the paper also had an impact on the drawing. Some of the A6 pictures are just precious and this inspired me to look into this part of the process more. A lesson on the impact of the space, working with A3 and A6 at the same time? Well, it is a fresh idea, it needs to bubble for some time on the back burner of the brain.

As regards the language, it was not the most productive of our classes but it was a beautiful opportunity for the kids to express themselves artistically. I am just wondering if I can use them to tell stories in the other classes. They are so rich, so beautiful that it would be a shame not to! I am thinking.

3 songs to get the kids moving

I have decided to write this post as a follow-up on the earlier post that I put together for novice teachers who are looking for inspiration for the soundtract to their VYL and YL lessons. I shared there my favourite hello and goodbye songs as well as my top five for the music and movement stage of the lesson. But that was almost four years ago and, of course, the playlist has grown longer and the time has come to share my new favourite songs that make us get up and move.

Why do we need these songs? Here are a few reasons:

  • the lessons are quite long
  • kids need some structured active fun to punctuate the lesson
  • and to balance the periods of the focus and hard word
  • these songs can also be the source of the language
  • they help to develop the gross motor skills, balance and focus
  • there is a huge multitude them, in different styles, genres and topics and these songs can be used to make the whole lesson consistent
  • they can be used as an additional support and a way of learning Maths, Science and literacy
  • they were written by adults who know kids and they have become real hits among my students

Danny Go!

Danny Go appeared all by himself. I went on holiday for a week and when I got back, he was already there, introduced by the subsitute teacher. I was not overly enthusiastic about it but the kids were and so we listened to my first Danny Go’s song Sharks in the Water! I suppose, if I were to describe it in one line, I’d say it is like a mini interactive computer game-like experience. The song tells the story (Danny is swimming to the island to get the treasure) and while he is doing that, he performs different movements which the kids had to repeat. Then, the sharks appear and you have to ‘jump out’ of the water. There is some vocabulary there but the biggest advantage of the song is that it is a perfect stirrer and it gives the kids an opportunity to develop focus, gross motor skills and coordination.

Danny has got many topical songs and in that he resembles Peppa Pig – there is an episode for every occasion (or almost) so I have been using this songs to accompany our songs on the topic of deserts, farm, jungle and what not. This is how we found out about such hits as ‘Pigs on the loose‘.

There is another type of songs that you can find on this channel and they are proper dance songs, for example ‘In the mood for food‘, with great movements and a bit more vocabulary input.

Jack Hartman

I have to be honest, Mr Hartman popped up ones or twice in my youtube searches but I did not find him appealing enough, visually, and I did not bother to click and to research. Until one day, when I was walking past by Miss Kate’s classroom and through the open door I saw the kids working out and counting, during the break time…Of course, I joined in! Jack Hartman was counting to 100, by ones and everyone was counting with him AND doing exercise, one type for every ten. I knew I had to introduce him to my year 1 kids.

Apart from different counting workout songs, there are also some alphabet songs, move and freeze songs and, the recently discovered series of ‘Multiply by…’, with a separate song for each table which help us practise and remember! And each of them in a different style so we are also getting educated musically, with rap, rock and roll, disco and reagge!

Dance Freeze!

The idea of all of the songs from the series is pretty simple: you have a few movements which you repeat until you hear the command ‘Freeze’. Your task is to repeat the movements, to listen and, when necessary, to freeze. It is a great and a very simple brain breaker because you get to jump, to dance like a robot, to dance in slow-mo, but because the original song has been so successful, new and new episodes have been added to practise sports, instruments, chores verbs and many more. The five basic songs lasted us a good few months and the channel ‘Scratch Garden’ has a lot more to offer. I am just going through their recordings…Like the ‘Stop Copying Me’ that I haven’t used yet and ‘The Sentence Song’ that will come in SO HANDY in our English lessons!

And, dear reader, here is the bonus! As you have noticed – these are not three songs but three wonderful channels that have a lot to offer! Let’s get moving!

Figurative and non-figurative art. Teaching English through Art

‘Calm night’ that started as an apple, if I remember correctly…

I am happy. As a teacher of English and a teacher of Art – I am happy. I have my Art Explorers classes twice a week, there are two groups so every lesson is not only taught twice and every idea trialled and trialled again. I am happy because I am getting better at coming up with ideas and with combining all the elements and finding the links between the artist, the language and the technique. And I can see how my kids are reacting to it and becoming more familiar with the paintings and more confident as artists.

I have also realised that all of us, we are more involved in the process and we are enjoying it more. The final product is important, of course, but so is the journey. It is all very rewarding and I am just happy that it is a part of my weekly schedule.

The art

As usual, out of the three components, one had to be prioritised and, this time, it was the art itself. I wanted to give my students an opportunity to experience the process of creating a non-figurative art piece. We tried doing it a little bit in our Jackson Pollock lesson but there the lead was taken by the very specific technique. The outcomes, amazing as they are, were absolutely accidental, and only at the very end of the lesson, we gave our paintings their names.

This time, I wanted it to be fully conscious, purposeful and planned, from A to Z for the kids to understand how a figurative painting may become a non-figurative piece and the artist (aka US!) takes the responsibility for that.

In order to achieve it we did the following:

  • we decided what to paint. I suggested a fruit and veg still life since it was still our Fruit February but I allowed the kids to opt out of it if they really wanted to. Some did.
  • we made decisions about the composition and started to drip draw with the paints. I had a set of paints that I bought for the stained glass lessons but they turned out to be of a very bad quality, too watery, to liquidy and I could not use them for stained glass. They spent about five months in the drawer and last week I had already taken them out to bin them when the hoarder in me hesitated and decided to use them somehow. Since they were so good at dripping, dripping was what I chose to be their destiny. We used a technique we experimented with before, spread painting.
  • we drew the contours with drips of the paint (sharing the one set of paints, hooray to the social skills development!)
  • we photographed the ready picture
  • we used pieces of thick cardboard to spread the paint and a decision had to be made here to, regarding the movement (or movements) of the hand.
  • we gave the paintings a name. In most cases, it was a list of the items of the picture but some of the children came up with different names, not related to what the painting first was. Real artists, I am telling you!

As usual, the creation started with a quick modelling session during which I produced a painting of a watermelon and then turned it into a non-figurative item.

The artist

This was one of the lessons in which we did not have one superhero but a whole dinner party. I divided them into two groups to illustrate what figurative and non-figurative art is. Our definitions were very simply, in order to convey the message even to my youngest students. ‘Figurative’ was defined as ‘I can see real things’ and represented by a still-life by Cezanne, by Rene Magritte’s Son of Man, by an apply by Yayoi Kusama and a still-life by Ilya Mashkov. ‘Non-figurative’ was defined as ‘I can see shapes and colours’ and represented by a piece by Jackson Pollock, Kandinsky’s circles, Mark Rothko and Yves Klein that I have just discovered for myself.

I also brought two pictures that I created at home and I asked the students to guess what fruit I tried to paint by the colours that they could see or the shapes that were still visible, just to highlight the fact that the fruit might be only represented by a fruit, not necessarily by shape.

The language

The langauge in this lesson was, as in every lesson of this month – fruit and vegetables. Apart from that I wanted to play with the language and to reinforce the idea of looking at the world from a different perspective. In order to do that, we looked at a set of pictures of the everyday objects and fruit and vegetables, seen either under a microscope or in a close up. We did it as a guessing game, using the set of wordwall cards I put together. This was a lot of fun and I am definitely going to use this resource again!


It’s not going to be the first time I say it, here or in the real life, but this, indeed, was one of my favourite Art lessons ever. The rest you can see in the paintings my students created.

‘First colours of the rainbow’

Teaching emotions or Four stories to use in class with primary and pre-primary students

This was a week of our winter (or dare I say spring?) camp classes or, in other words, a week of alternative timetable and alternative activities at the school. It lasted four days and combined two programmes, the emotions activities organised and prepared by our school psychologist and run by the national language programme teachers AND the English language programme prepared and run by me and my colleagues.

I decided to put it together here, as an example of how a curriculum can be composed without relying on the coursebook. Our programme lasted 4 days within the same week but it equals 4 mini-modules, of two lessons each and, theoretically at least, this could amount to a month’s worth of classes and each of these could be further extended to give children an opportunity for more practice.

It needs to stressed that, because of the context of my school, none of the kids are real beginners at the moment and they have seen and used all of the structures and vocabulary before. None of them had to be properly introduced from scratch, for all of us it was a revision and that it why were could squeeze it in two lessons only.

Just as an idea, just for inspiration.

The house for the frog

Step 1: I’m happy, I’m sad.

Vocabulary: all the emotions (the number will depend on the age and the progress of students), the phrase ‘I am happy’. We also revised the extended characters (fairy tale characters and our favourite animals) and used them to make phrases such as ‘The princess is happy’, something that we would need for all the storytelling. The main vocabulary focus for us was the ‘rooms in the house’. We introduced and practised the new vocabulary and I prepared the Magic Bag with items from different rooms in the house.

Songs: there are many songs that include emotions that can be used here, for example Hello song, Open Shut Them 2 or Feelings and Emotions Song.

Story: There are many stories that could be used here, some of them with a bit easier content but I decided to use one of my personal favourites, Rhinos Don’t Eat Pancakes by Anna Kemp which is also available on youtube. I adapted the story, simplifying it a bit and while I was doing it, I asked the kids to help me with describing the main characters’ emotions.

Follow-up: We had two lessons and two main craft activities. The first one was a house which I described a bit earlier here, the other one was creating a crazy animal from different body parts.

Evaluation: The kids really liked the story, Daisy and her purple rhino are always a hit. The house went great, too, as some kids chose to draw the entire kitchen and some just went for a basic symbol for each room in the house. I also had a whole bunch of frog stickers so the houses ended up with having at least one reptile inhabitant.

Step 2: I’m angry.

Vocabulary: The emotions and characters were a part of every lesson in these series, with teh list of characters growing longer. Apart from that, there is also a lot of potential for body parts to prepare the kids to describe all the wild things.

Songs: There are lots of body parts songs, including Head and Shoulders, but one of my favourite ones is ‘This is Me!

Story: I chose ‘Where the wild things are’ by Maurice Sendak also because apart from the book in our library, it is also available in the form of a youtube video.

Follow-up: For this day, I planned the music and emotions activity that I described earlier on this blog for the first lesson. In the second half of the day, after the storytelling session, the kids made their own crowns to become the Kings and Queens of the Wild Things and they played the game that I found here on the Famly Blog in which the kids would take turns to dictate the group what to do.

Evaluation: Making a crown is super easy as it only requires an A4 piece of paper cut into halves, lengthways which the kids decorate, cut out the spikes (optional) and glue together and it is amazing how much fun it can bring. Every time I made crowns in class, they were very popular among boys and among girls, too. I was especially happy that the crown would later become an accessory in our game (which, by the way, is a great bonding and team building activity as the kids can make the group perform a complex dance or just a simple gesture such as bending a finger).

Don’t you just love a circle. At the farm.

Step 3: I’m fantastic, I can do it!

Vocabulary: The vocabulary input here was imposed by the story that I really wanted to use in class and this is how farm animals made an appearance in our lesson. We focused on introducing the names and practising. We did the sound quiz together and we played a simple guessing game in pairs, with a set of mini-flashcards for each pair or team. The younger and lower level students played focusing only on guessing the name of the animal and the more advanced were making simple sentences or questions to find out what their partner is talking about.

Songs: I was planning on using Old MacDonald’s but I changed my mind during the lesson and replaced it with the Eddie song that goes with the story.

Story: I have been using this story in class for about 15 years now and out of everything that you can find in Playway to English series, Eddie, the king of the garden is my absolute favourite. It is quite simple, very easy to understand but with a very powerful message.

Follow-up: In this ‘module’ we had time for only craft and I decided to revisit one of my favourite craft activities, Don’t you just love a circle, this time farm-themed.

Evaluation: The activities went well but this day at camp helped me realise that every lesson should include a craft activity, something hands-on, something that we will make and take home. I was planning to include it, initially, but then decided to abandon the idea, in order to make room for riddles and the quiz. It went well but not as well as the other days when two creative (or two paper activities) were included.

Our book about being proud

Step 4: I’m proud.

Vocabulary: I wanted to based this lesson on different activities that kids can do and those that can fill them with pride. The list was adjusted to what I expected my students to know and included the following: Reasons to be proud.

Songs: In my plans I had ‘Little bird’ that we have known for some time as well as the related game ‘Can you? Show me!‘ but, in the end, we did not have time for that. It would have been a great extension and an opportunity for practice, though.

Story: Our story lesson was based on Pip, the would be guide dog and its adventures which we followed with a video from a real school for puppies.

Follow-up: In the first lesson we made a book about being proud, with each page dedicated to a different skill. We went page by page in the following manner: read the sentence a few times, give ourselves a mark, in connection with how strong we are in the area and draw a symbol to represent the activity. In the end we stapled the pages together into a book. I loved watching my kids while they were assessing their own skills. We used the traditional scale we know from school but it was OK to extend it and that is how some kids awarded themselves with 7+ or even 100 for some skills. It was a beautiful moment.

In the second activity, we prepared diplomas that were handed in at the end of the session because everyone is fantastic and deserves five stars.

Evaluation: This was, by far, my favourite lesson of the series. One reason for it was the fact that I managed to find both videos and to balance a cartoon with a documentary on the same subject. The second reason was the fact that the lessons gave us an opportunity to talk about what we can do, to evaluate our skills and to be proud. I did underestimate the kids’ ability to draw for their friends and the ‘decorate your friend’s diploma’ did not go that well. They turned out to be too young and I should have predicted that, skip that element and focus on preparing the diplomas and handing them out on the last day of the camp. My colleague did the same activities with another group and it was a success. I did overdo it a bit. Lesson learnt.

Teaching Out of the Box. Teaching English through Art

Natalia Goncharova-inspired peacock

This article was published in the Modern English Teacher in the March / April issue of 2023 and it is one of my favourite pieces ever committed which summarises my (almost) two years in the classroom as a teacher of English and Art. I have included there all the main considerations and as many as ten different ideas for the classroom. (Although it has taken me a whole year to add it to the blog (rolling the eyes).

I am very proud of it and if you are not a MET member and have no access to the article, I can only recommend all the other lesson ideas that I have shared here, on the blog. You can find them here.

Ilya Mashkov and our first still-life. Teaching English through Art

Still life ingredients

The language

February is our month of food and fruit and this is what we focus on in the language part of the lesson. With my younger group we listened to a great song from the Singing Walrus and we used a set of wordwall cards to guess the fruit and vegetables from the stencils. We did some drilling, too and we talked about whether we like them or not.

The older students needed a more advanced activity and for that I used my magic bag which, indeed, on the day was full of fruit and veg that I brought for the still-life installation. Kids put their hands into the bag and tried to describe the object they were holding using basic adjectives (big / small, hard / soft, smooth / rough, light / heavy). Despite the fact that some of the kids were as old as ten, they all did enjoy it. We also talked about the fruit and vegetables we like and don’t like.

Ilya Mashkov, Pumpkin (1914)

The artist

Our artist of the day was my still-life here, Ilya Mashkov. I have used his painting in my Art classes before and it was only natural that this time I would want to take it up to another level. I did and I am quite happy how it went.

First of all, we introduced the artist himself and his famous (in my opinion) painting ‘Pumpkin’. We defined what a still life is (‘a painting of things’) and we looked at a few chosen paintings by Mashkov. I put together a set of questions, inspired and adapted from the material online Essential Questions to ask about each still life photographs. My final, go-to set for this topic includes: What colour is it? What objects can you see? What shapes can you see? What is the biggest shape? What is the smallest shape? Is it light? Is it dark? Is it smooth? Is it light?, although in the lessons this week we have gone through only a few of them.

In order to prepare for our creative activity I prepared a special slide for ‘Pumpkin’ made entirely of shapes, one to represent every fruit and every vegetable. I was revealing them one by one and the task for the kids was to call out the object that they represent. In the end, I showed them the real painting and we checked our answers. I was a fun activity and it helped them the kids the basics of the composition of the painting and to prepare them for drawing.

The art

We started with putting together our installations and while I was the one responsible for arranging the items for the younger kids, my older group just took over the bag, the table and all the elements. And, it has to be said, not all the fruit made it to the table. Avocado and aubergine were not deemed worthy of our set. I accepted.

We outline the main stages of the lesson: 1. sketching with a pencil, 2. tracing the lines with crayons (one colour or a set of colours) and 3. colouring in with watercolours. I also showed my students the homework that I did before the lesson: a small still-life I painted at home and a photo of it, for comparison.

Since it was our first lesson with a still-life I did not want to invade too much and to direct the kids for example by guiding them in which order to draw the fruit. I wanted to let them try to face the task on their own and, also, to see what they can do. I was preparing my own copy and moving around, handing in the resources for each step (which also help with staging) and admiring what I was looking at. The only thing that I said to encourage them was something along the lines of ‘Don’t be scared, trust your hand. This is our first still-life. Let’s see how it goes’.

And guess what? It was beyond amazing. Some of my students are already very confident as regards drawing and they have a good eye for detail so I expected some good work but still they managed to surprise me, especially the little ones. They approached the task with curiosity, without fear and they were just working diligently on their paintings.

The only question left to answer is: What are we painting next?

Apples and an average Art lesson that sent me directly cloud number 9.

The apples? The apples!

‘What sometimes happens is that an artist, a real and creative person, gets what we call ‘a comission’: someone orders a special piece to be created and the artist agrees although, maybe, they did not really have that in mind. That is exactly what we are going to do today.’

This is how the lesson started. I delivered this little speech and my students were looking at me, puzzled. Apples (thanks to Isaac Newton) are some kind of a symbol of my school and I was asked to prepare some school decorations apple-related. To be perfectly honest, that had nothing to do with anything that I had in mind for February but since that was comissioned I decided to accept the challenge, to look for something and to change the idea for the month to food in art, moving ‘flowers’ to March. Which, actually, might not be such a bad idea altogether, for when we are a bit closer to the real spring. Fine.

Much to my surprise, it turned out that apples are very much present in Art and it is possible to find enough pieces from different centuries, including such gems as Magritte, Cezanne or Raphael and more contemporary pieces from Kusama or the random literal apple carvings. Apple is a symbol and it is a brand, too and we had fun looking at them and talking about them, both with my younger and older group.

The craft

What was comissioned was some kind of a set of apples to put around the school, made of clay or paper mache or plasticine, but I have given myself a permission to interpret it my way, to create a 2D apple garland inspired by these two finds here and here. We used cardboard for the basis and coloured paper for the front and glue, scissors and crayons. The craft is easy and the base of the apple can be a square or a circle, even if it is not very expertly cut out by the students. The little strips can be glued in a few different ways and they are little hands-friendly, too. Kids can use the strips of one colour or they mix them and everyone can make as many as possible, maybe only one, maybe a few, giving us an even longer garland. And, unlike in the case of the Pollock’s lessons, there is a lot less preparation and cleaning. The teacher is relieved to be taking this kind of a time out.

The lesson went smoothly and now we have two garlands hanging over the arches in the main hall of the school, for everyone to admire. It is an easy task and if you need apples or oranges or any other fruit – here is an idea for you.

The lesson was ‘meh’ but I loved it

It was just an OK lesson. ‘Meh’, I’d say if you asked me if I liked it. I’d shrug my shoulders.

Yes, we prepared the garlands, more or less according to the creative brief, we now have something to put up on the wall and, really, it is a pretty garland, it looks good, especially with the multi-colour apples. My kids worked well, everyone made 4 or 5 apples, getting better as they went along and some students even chose to make one for themselves to take home (always a good sign!).

But we were not impressed. I was not and nor were my students. It really did feel like working on a commission that you just cannot say no to. Everyone was involved but the Muses did not enter the room last week. No one was inspired, no one got excited about their task, no one was calling ‘Miss Anka, miss Anka! Look! What do you think?’ from all corners of the classroom…’Meh’.

And yet I loved it. Even though my kids went ‘Meh’, both the younger ones and the older ones.


This lesson was a fantastic piece of evidence to prove how much we have developed and how much progress we have made since September. Whatever we were five months ago, we are not that anymore. We are artists now.

We have had a chance to work with a variety of techniques (spatter, print, ironed crayons, watercolours, stained glass paints, acrylic paints, guache, markers, crayons, collage, books and surprises) and we have imagined being in the Shoes of the Great (Warhol, Goncharova, Kandinsky, Picasso, Kusama, van Gogh, Malevich, Levitan and Pollock). Could a simple paper apple be of any challenge or interest to us? Debatable.

There was no challenge in the technique itself (because it was easy), there was no suprise of creation (because it is an apple) and there was no inspiration from the Artist of the Day (because there were too many and because we could not really interact with them).

My kids politely did what I asked them to do but there was no spark. They are already much older and more advanced. They need something else now. The teacher has had an OK lesson but the teacher is OVER THE MOON!