Go to www.switchzoo.com/zoo.htm.
Demonstrate for the students how you create an animal: choose the habitat, choose the head, the body and the tail.
Divide the students into teams, let them create their own animals and then present their animals.
The kids who are listening can also be involved by asking more questions, ‘interviewing’ the creators and the animal, depending on their level of English.
Print screen and save the animals. They can be used later in a bigger project – creating a zoo, describing the animals, writing the stories about them.
Make your own using MiroBoard!
Set it as homework, ask the kids to ‘compose’ their own animals and introduce them in the following lesson.
We loved it because…
First and foremost, it is a lot of fun.
It is a great follow-up activity to any language lessons on animals, habitats, body parts of even mythical creatures.
It makes kids want to talk and write about their creations.
The website is also a great tool to learn about animals, biology and geography, climate, habitats. You can build your own biome, listen to animal sounds or feed different animals.
Happy teaching!