I have decided to put all my recordings in one place, mostly for myself, so that I could easily find all of them and access all of them. But, I am also hoping that they might come in handy for some of you so here we go:
In English
- All you need is a picture or YLE and the speaking skills development which was my presentation (that I am rather proud of) at the Cambridge Week Day 1 in September 2020, with lots of idea that I am still using in my lessons (from 00:50′)
- The unexpected advantages: developing primary literacy skills online which was presented at the online conference organised by IHWO in 2020. While you are there, don’t forget to have a look at all the other presentations, lots of useful ideas!
- Do you remember? Long-term impact of the YL teacher training course, a presentation that I gave at the Teacher Training Conference organised by IH London in autumn 2021 which was devoted to a small scale research I ran among the trainees on my courses, a long-term post-course reflection and what it taught me about teacher training.
- Discover with Dex: developing speaking skills in pre-primary children which I gave at the Back to School event organised by Macmillan Russia in 2019 (from 00:09′)
- Teens and Shakespeare or one of the coolest lessons I have ever taught in my entire life, recorded for the British Council Russia in 2016, in which I managed to include Romeo and Juliet, idioms that we all owe to Shakespeare and some FCE practice. Shame the BC people decided to include only 20 minutes of it.
- And an interview I gave to Anita Modestova before the BKC Conference in 2019, basically my video business card)))
- Another interview for the BKC Conference in 2020 about my research and my presentation devoted to communication strategies that the pre-schoolers can use. I watched again today, in 2023, and I was laughing out loud listening to myself talking about all the disadvantages of teaching young kids online…’I cannot imagine teaching VYLs via Skype’…Well, famous last words?
- I’m a teacher. What’s your superpower. Pandemic Webinars 5 May, when we used me meet online with all of our friends and colleagues to share ideas and to support each other. My presentation is on visuals which can help support production.
- I’m a teacher. What’s your superpower. Post-pandemic Webinars 1 November. I talked about maximising production. Yes, again!
- I’m a teacher. What’s your superpower. Pandemic Webinars, 12 April. I am talking here about the stirrers which can be used online.
- I’m a teacher. What’s your superpower. Pandemic Webinars, 26 April. Here I am with my mini-talk on VYL activities from the cognitive skills’ angle.
- I’m a teacher. What’s your superpower. Pandemic Webinars, 10 May. Here you can find my ideas for project in the online YL classes.
In Russian
- A short video recorded for our marketing department at BKC IH Moscow and for our parents on how to help children learn English at home. We called it: Как помочь ребенку начать заниматься английским языком?
- The second part of the same series, only this time we focused on the mistakes that parents sometimes make. We called it: Как не мешать ребенку изучать язык?