‘A beautiful mess’ – the Very Young Learner teacher’s novice year

Once upon a time there were 52 teachers who agreed to talk to me about their novice year in the very young learners classroom. An M.A. thesis came out of it and an article in the March / April issue of the Modern English Teacher (vol. 33 (2) came out.

It is a weird one and a special one. A weird one because it is the only VYL article in the issue devoted whole and wholeheartedly to the topic of A.I. in education. Could you be any more ‘niche’?

At the same time, it is a very special article because it is about teaching, teacher training and pre-schoolers, or, in other words, my whole professional life in three pages. Fortunately / unfortunately, the article itself is available only to the subscribers but it is still a topic that I am really passionate about so I will be writing more about it.

Until then)

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